ISpy USBLock Overview
Congratulations for choosing ISpy USBLock. ISpy USBLock is a handby utility that allows you to protect your personal computer from unauthorized access with USB Stick. You can use ISpy USBLock to restrict access to your PC. It's attractive, secure, and very easy to use. It can start automatically with Windows and you can not logon Windows without an authorized USB Stick. You can lock your computer just by clicking one button in the system tray or using the hotkey CTRL + ALT + L. Also you can automatically lock your computer when you unplug your USB Stick. When you lock your computer, ISpy USBLock will display a lock screen and protect your computer, and the Windows hotkey and mouse will be disabled. You only need to enter a USB Memory Stick authorized by you. Many USB Memory Sticks have a unique serial number, so you can set the owner of the USB Memory Stick and view the logs of lock/ an invisible keystroke logging tool that allows you to:
-Authorize one or more USB Sticks for protecting your PC
-Lock and protect your computer when you leave.
-Lock your PC (with Ctrl+Alt+Del protected) using a USB Memory Stick
-Logon your Windows with an authorized USB Sticks
-Display a lock screen
-View the log of lock/unlock
-Not generate any files in your USB Memory Stick
-Easy-to-use graphical user interface
-Very simple and converient graphic interface
-Very small and fast.
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